domingo, 18 de agosto de 2013

Cremation ceremony

'Rahwana protects the temple'

'This big boy too'

'Singa is the lion who brings their relatives to heaven during the cremation'

'The families bring the bones rolled in cloths'

'The mong puts them in Singa with donations and presents, woman pass their hair in Singas back to b\give them luck in heaven' 

'Cremation begins and they star praying'

'Is hot..'

'Really hot!'

'A look from behind'

'Singa before and after'

'The cremation place before and after'

'Sea weed collectors pick everyday many kilos, they send them to Japan, where they use it to make jelly juice and Ice cream'

No time to post long text. Everything is great and the weather is cool!

Warm hug yall!

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