viernes, 16 de agosto de 2013


24 hours in Bali and the first feelings are awesome.
I didn’t plan to stay in Kuta because everybody talks shit about the traffic and the similarity with Lloret.. Well it’s true, but the best way to kick your ass out is rent a moto and drive through the traffic jam til you arrive to Bingin Beach, next to Padang Padang. It takes 1hour more or less.
It’s a popular spot for surfers but you can swim and sunbathe while the fisherman comes with fresh fish to prepare some Indonesian dishes.

Coming back to Kuta I stop in the beach to see the sunset. Orgasmic. People sit in the beach till the sun goes down, then everybody claps.. night fever babe!

Plan for tomorrow? Move my ass to the north!

Warm hug people!!

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